Thursday, June 19, 2008

Principles for a successful CRM Implementation

- Simple English translation of what my clients told me

PRINCIPLE 1: CRM is Not a Software Purchase. It’s a Strategy

My Client's Insight -

  • Build your CRM vision by first defining a valuable customer experience
  • Conduct business on your customer’s terms
  • One global view. Myriad local relationships
  • Make user adoption a top priority

PRINCIPLE 2: CRM must fit the way you work – Today and Tomorrow

My Client's Insight -

  • The right CRM architecture can work the way you do
  • Your system must be flexible to build in complex business processes
  • CRM should help you grow – and grow along with you

PRINCIPLE 3: Define measurable CRM business benefits

My Client's Insight -

  • CRM makes it easy to deliver fast and informed service

PRINCIPLE 4: Consider Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) carefully

My Client's Insight -

  • “Industry Specific” CRM lowers total costs

PRINCIPLE 5: Think beyond features. Pick the right implementation partner

My Client's Insight -

  • Industry knowledge and experience pays dividends
  • A supportive partner can make all the difference

1 comment:

Pthukral said...

Hi Ashish
Your blog is excellent stuff
Please send me your email address
I have moved from Wockhardt to Apollo Hospitals Group and am based at Delhi now

Pradeep Thukral
Group Head - International Marketing,
Apollo Hospitals Group, India
Phone - +91 9810907151
Email -